• ; This is run immediately after a missile is launched.
  • ; This doesn't work:
  • ; cmath vq = ((#cur_head-2) * (#cur_head-3) * (#cur_head-4) * (#y_pos-#enemy_y)/-6) + ((#cur_head-1) * (#cur_head-3) * (#cur_head-4) * (#enemy_x-#x_pos)/2) + ((#cur_head-1) * (#cur_head-2) * (#cur_head-4) * (#enemy_y-#y_pos)/-2) + ((#cur_head-1) * (#cur_head-2) * (#cur_head-3) * (#x_pos-#enemy_x)/6)
  • ; if value #enemy_d = 9 then if value ~vq >= 0 then if value ~v1 <= 5 then fire weapon
  • missiles:
  • if value #y_pos = #enemy_y then if value #cur_head <> 3 then if value #cur_head <> 1 then math v1 = #x_pos - #enemy_x + 200
  • if value #x_pos = #enemy_x then if value #cur_head <> 4 then if value #cur_head <> 2 then math v1 = #y_pos - #enemy_y + 200
  • if value #enemy_d = 9 then if value ~v1 >= 195 then if value ~v1 <= 205 then fire weapon  -- explain
  • long range scan  -- explain
  • if scan found enemy then if missile ready then launch missile
  • if scan found enemy then if missile ready then goto missiles  -- explain
  • if scan found enemy then goto accel_evade  -- explain
  • if value #scan <> 5 then if value #x_pos <> #enemy_x then if value #y_pos <> #enemy_y then goto start_ #cur_head  -- explain
  • if value #x_pos = #enemy_x then goto same_x_ #cur_head  -- explain
  • if value #y_pos = #enemy_y then goto same_y_ #cur_head  -- explain

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